Shakeology: The Healthiest Meal of the Day
In my journey I did a lot of searching for a great Protein Shake. I wanted something that was clean, had minimal sugar, would be a great meal replacement, tasted great, helped reduce my cravings, and something I could give my kids. I tried a lot of different shakes, and honestly Shakeology won out for me. I crave my shakeology every single day.
As for the family, Jamie has NEVER been a veggie lover and honestly my kids will not eat veggies either, so the fact that my entire family will drink this makes me happy because I KNOW they are getting great stuff into their bodies each and every day. It’s turned into a family affair and that makes me super happy!!!! Here is a little snippet of what Jamie thinks (coming from a guy who never ate veggies until about a year ago and would never try anything that even sounded like it had veggies in it):
“I have started drinking Shakeology ever day and I even add spinach to it to get extra veggies. Honestly, I never thought the day would come when I would let my wife convince me to even try something like this, but I love it. I’m learning to tolerate veggies, even enjoy a few, but with Shakeology, even if I don’t eat as many as I should, I know that I’m getting the nutrition that I need each day. It is fitness for your inside.” – Jamie Jarman
Why you should try it out:
Shakeology can help you lose weight, reduce cravings, improve digestions, and feel great! With over 70 ingredients from rich, nutrient-dense whole-food sources and superfoods from around the world, Shakeology is your daily dose of dense nutritions.
It is the only shake clinically proven to help reduce weight, increase energy, improve digestion, as well as to help lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
Shakeology is more than a protein shake. It is more than a meal replacement. It is more than an antioxidant or probiotics drink. It is the smartest calories you can put into your body. No artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors or preservatives. It is certified low-glycemic. Vegan versions available.
Every ingredient goes through rigorous certification and testing to ensure potent nutrient concentration. Shakeology is supported by the medical community, doctors recommend it to their patients, and drink it themselves.
Basically it’s a protein shake/meal replacement. I normally will make one first thing in the morning and drink 1/2 before I workout and then bring the other half to my workout and drink the other 1/2 after. So it works great as your protein right after a workout. That’s usually my breakfast or 1st breakfast:) I have also used it as a snack during the afternoon. Like when I’m craving something sweet I’ll just make a shake and drink it so it helps take away my sweet cravings. The drink itself isn’t overly sweet, but it helps take away my junk cravings. Sometimes at night when we are craving desert we use it to make ice cream. Yum!!
Gluten Free – Although Shakeology is made with non-gluten ingredients, all Shakeology formulas are in a manufacturing facility that also processes known allergens such as soy, milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts and wheat(gluten) ingredients. This is why Shakeology has not been certified Gluten-free.
Lactose Intolerant – The chocolate, Greenberry, and Vanilla contain whey protein. However, the whey protein in these formulas is whey protein isolate, which is over 90% pure protein leaving only 10% of the ingredient where some lactose can be found.
In addition, Shakeology is loaded with digestive enzymes and Lactase is one of them. Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose and is found in over-the-counter products like Lactaid. So, given that Shakeology is made with whey protein isolate and includes Lactase means that it may have a higher likelihood of being acceptable for most people with lactose-intolerance.
Tropical, Strawberry and Chocolate Vegan Because the vegan formulations are made with plant proteins rather than whey (dairy), they are the ideal choice for someone with lactose intolerance.
Celiac Disease – A portion of the protein in Vegan Shakeology flavors comes from oat protein. For those with Celiac Disease, this could initially be a concern. About 1% of those effected by Celiac Disease will have a sensitivity to oat protein.
Watch this video to learn more about Shakeology and these specific allergies from Shakeology Co-Creator, Darin Olien.
Because needs vary for each person with these allergies, intolerances, and diseases it is recommended you check with your doctor first.
Click here for a doctor letter, from Beachbody, which explains shakeology, highlights many of its benefits, and shares the ingredients of the various flavors.
There are different costs depending on what you want to do… It ends up being about $4 per shake, but it is a meal replacement, and with all the nutrition that’s in it I find it to be so much better and healthier than a lot of options out there. If you think of it as replacing your starbucks or lunch then it is easy to work into the budget:) I don’t do starbucks anymore so that’s where I found my extra money:)
Depending on what you want to do and how long you think you might use it there are a few different pricing options.
1) Retail Customer – This is for the person who just wants to get shakeology once or each month and isn’t really interested in the discounts in being a preferred customer. It’s a $130 fee plus shipping and tax each month.
2) Preferred Customer – Being a preferred customer you will get a get a 25% discount off of your shakeology each month plus discounted shipping. There is a monthly fee each month, but it still ends up being less than if you are a retail customer each month. To become a preferred customer all you have to do is sign up as a coach with a challenge pack… the challenge pack includes a workout and also includes Shakeology… when you do a challenge pack the coach fee of $40 is waived too, so it’s a crazy awesome deal!!! Being a coach doesn’t mean you have to actually coach… you can do it just for the discount – which is what I did for about a year… it just made sense to me money wise.
Now that I’ve fallen in love with the programs and Shakeology I’ve decided to take coaching to a different level and help others with their fitness, so it’s been a good transition.
What do you think? Are you ready to try it out? I know it’s a lot to process, but from experience trust us…. it’s soooooo good and you’ll love it. Also, there is a 30 day money back guarantee, so if you don’t like it you can totally get your money back. TRY IT!!!!!
CLICK HERE to order Shakeology by itself. If you are interested in joining a challenge group or getting a challenge pack (challenge packs include a beach body program and shakeology for a discounted price) click here.
We know that this can be overwhelming and we get that; First off, know we are here to answer questions and you can contact us via Facebook or our contact form, but first make sure you watch these great video’s because they really do tell a ton about shakeology and why this should be a part of your daily ritual.

(100 doctors don’t lie)