Beachbody On Demand

Have you ever been on vacation and wished you could access a workout program in your hotel room? Have you ever used a workout program that is on DVD and been so frustrated because you can’t find it and really want to workout, but it’s no where to be found? Have you ever just wanted to be able to workout outside in the middle of nowhere so you can get away from life in general?

I remember a few years ago, when I was trying to get back into shape, how I got so frustrated because Jamie had borrowed P90X from a friend and they were on, what seemed like, 1000 different DVD’s. None of the DVD’s actually were in the right spot and I couldn’t figure out which one I was supposed to do first… so I gave up. I had wished that I could just use my phone or computer and stream one of the video’s from there; it would have been so much easier.

Well Beachbody must have heard me, because in 2015, Beachbody created something called On Demand. Basically it’s over 100 different workouts all online and accessible via computer, iPad, tablet, iPhone!!! You can pull up a workout on your iPhone and, if you have an apple TV, easily make it go on your tv. You can do a workout at your hotel while your on a business trip and you don’t have to bring all the DVD’s. You can choose different workouts; if you want to do a PIYO workout one day and a P90X workout the other day, you can!


Basically, it’s an All Access Pass to Beachbody’s Proven Programs.
Workout Anytime, Anywhere You Have Internet Access! Beachbody is going digital!

Stream your workouts on your web-enabled computer, laptop, phone, or tablet. Whether you are out of town on business, on vacation, or don’t want to fuss with DVD’s, now you can bring your workouts with you, wherever you are.

Beachbody on demand contains many complete Beachbody programs plus step-by-step program guides, workout calendars, and full nutrition plans. Full programs on demand currently include:

  • Active Maternity
  • Insanity and Insanity Deluxe
  • Insanity: The Asylum 1 and 2
  • Brazil Butt Lift
  • P90X and P90X Deluxe
  • P90X2 and P90X2 Deluxe
  • P90X3 and P90X3 Deluxe
  • Several more as well – Over $3,000 worth of complete programs available in one place

Additionally, any programs purchased that are not already included on demand, will be added. So, if you purchase the new Master’s Hammer and Chisel,21 Day Fix, Body Beast, or PIYO –  the complete workout program, the program guide, workout calendar, and nutrition plan – it will all be added!

No more excuses. Workout anywhere you have access to the internet!

Enjoy 30 days of unlimited access to Beachbody on Demand for free! Click here “30 days free”


On Demand and Shakeology Challenge Pack

If you are as excited about this as I am, and would like to use this program as your challenge pack, you can totally do that. This challenge pack will give you access to On Demand for 3 months, as well as a 30 day supply of Shakeology!! Get the challenge pack here.



To see more of our favorite challenge packs click on any image below for more information and to purchase.

21 Day Fix - Favorite Workout

21 day fix is simple fitness, simple eating, and fast

Country Heat Challenge Pack

With Country Heat, Autumn Calabrese brings fitness and

PIYO - Favorite Workout

PiYo is a low-impact, high-intensity

The Master's Hammer & Chisel - Favorite Workout

This program was designed specifically to help you

Cize - Favorite Workout

Let's get your groove on!!! Find those dance moves and

Body Beast Challenge Pack

This is for both men and women that want to build a


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