
One of our passions is to bring families together through health and fitness. We believe that when families workout together and cook together, it helps create close nit bonds. It’s great for kids, and also really great for marriages.

For the longest time Jamie and I tried to do our own thing in our workouts… there was a lot of selfishness going on and one of us was always upset or hurt because our workouts were not going the way we wanted them to. We weren’t trying to help each other other succeed and in all reality it almost ruined our marriage. Through that, we learned that exercising together actually creates a bond that is unlike any other… taking a run together, training together, doing workout video’s together, give you something in common and will help you grow closer in the long run.  We have learned that when you come together as an entire family and make your health a family goal, things get easier. We still end up many times doing our own workouts, because, with kids, who has time to do “family” workouts every day… it’s not realistic. However, we work with each others schedules to make sure that we can both get a workout in and we also try to do fitness things as a family, like go on runs, bike rides, or fun events. It’s a win win for the entire family and has truly brought us all closer together. It’s so much better doing it together… I promise.


One of the best gifts we can give our kids is the gift of fitness. When Kailee was 3 years old she would watch me, Kim, do triathlons. At the triathlons there were other kids there doing kid triathlons, and she was so determined to join them. So, once she got old enough, around 4 1/2, we introduced her to the world of Triathlon and she loved it. It was fun for her and so healthy for her. While we don’t always do the best job of getting our kids outside to be active, we try hard to help them get involved in sports that they enjoy so that when they are older, the journey to a healthier lifestyle isn’t as hard for them as it is for others. Try to introduce your kids to different ways they can enjoy fitness. Help them to find something they love to do. Also, the more they watch you working out, the more they will desire to do it as well. Both kids join us when we are doing workout video’s at home… it’s fun being able to do some of the beachbody programs with them! Start now and help them in the future.

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I know from first hand that nutrition and kids don’t always go well together. Trust me… both of my kids are freakishly picky and don’t want anything to do with things that are green or healthy. They would much rather snack all day on crap food if I let them. While I probably give in more than I should, our goal has been to start teaching our kids about making healthy choices. The foods I buy are not processed foods; I shop at trader joes, sprouts, and whole foods, where I know the crackers and snack foods are the “healthier version”. We also have the kids help us with preparing food and talk to them about healthy choices and why we eat the way we do. Every small step counts.

We are going to be posting more about nutrition and kids so watch below for some tips and ideas!!


When you think about the negative, you are bound to fail…..

When you think about the negative, you are bound to

I do it for my family

I do it for my family My family is my everything.

Teaching by example

Teaching by example My daughter loves to be active.

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